Wednesday, October 12, 2005

On K Street Conservatism, George Will, Newsweek

George and I don't usually see eye-to-eye, but this week, he hits hot and hard on some hugely important issues.

Just one example: "In 1987 Reagan vetoed a transportation bill because it contained 152 earmarks — pork — costing $1.4 billion. The bill President Bush signed contained 6,371, costing $24 billion. The total cost of the bill—$286 billion—is more, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than the combined costs of the Marshall Plan and the interstate highway system."

Okay, here's another: "Since 2000 the number of registered lobbyists in Washington has more than doubled, from 16,342 to 34,785. They have not been attracted to the seat of government, like flies to honey, for the purpose of limiting government."

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