Thursday, May 25, 2006

A “Mere” $300 Billion: Should a $300 Billion Deficit Be Considered a Victory?

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 5/22/06

Five points:
1. Rising inequality contributes to revenue growth.
2. Revenue growth will likely slow.
3. A $300 billion deficit increases the burden on future generations.
4. At 2.3 percent of GDP, a $300 billion deficit is well above historical norms.
5. At this stage of the business cycle, the deficit should be much lower.

Malnutrition slows growth of half Niger kids

UNICEF per Reuters: "A joint study by the Niger government and UNICEF found an average of 15.3 percent of children were suffering acute malnutrition, with the far north being the worst hit region."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Leadership Resource

Right Reality - David Batstone

See also: Triple P Quiz

Work is important. But what motivates you at work? Is there a purpose - something beyond your reward - that animates your daily work life? Or are you driven by a passion for a way of working or a project? Is it profit - either money itself or some other form of measurable reward - that motivates your work?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Life in a Country of Death

Eugene Peterson - Christianity Today Magazine

Christ Among the Partisans

Garry Wills, New York Times

THERE is no such thing as a "Christian politics." If it is a politics, it cannot be Christian. Jesus told Pilate: "My reign is not of this present order. If my reign were of this present order, my supporters would have fought against my being turned over to the Jews. But my reign is not here" (John 18:36). Jesus brought no political message or program.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Contrary To President’s Claim, Large Majority of Americans Ultimately Will Lose From Tax Reconciliation Bill

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, May 17, 2006:

Some 68 percent of all American households will receive no tax cut at all from the legislation, and the average tax cut for households in the middle fifth of the income distribution will be $20. While the $43,000 average tax cut that households with incomes over $1 million will get from the bill could have a significant impact on a family’s finances, it hardly seems that the loss of a $20 tax benefit would qualify as a disaster.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Todd Hunter interview

Off The Map - Idealab: "the question becomes 'how do we die to our inferior lives of self-control and sin and pick up the superior life of apprenticing our selves to Jesus and following him into a new life, a new reality…the Kingdom of God'."

The Art of Storytelling

the eBay atheist