Tuesday, January 11, 2005

labor update 2

I just spoke with Andy, who carried a message to Carol from me that she if she wants I can book a ticket change for her to return to Chicago on Monday instead of tomorrow.

Jon's not answering his cell, probably because they want it turned off in the hospital, or perhaps just so he can stay focused on his beloved. Andy, bless his heart, went down to the hospital and called the maternity suite on the internal phone to deliver the message.

She didn't exactly answer, except to say that she doesn't feel an urgent need to reschedule.

Abi is doing fine, and labor is progressing. Carol expects a baby within 12 hours.

I'm actually having some trouble getting any work done today, for some reason. Becoming a grandfather seems to be more emotionally difficult than I expected. I keep flashing back to the six births I was present at with Carol. My throat keeps tightening up.

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